Here Today Layout

Hello! Hope you are having a wonderful day! Today I'm very happy to share with you a layout I made using the beautiful Here + There collection by Simple Stories. This collection's main theme is travel, but most of the papers back sides are generic and can be used with any theme, like I did with this layout. My daughter was in the "Parque de las Palomas" (The Pigeons Park) in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It was a school field trip, and I took this photo of her feeding the pigeons. It was an amazing day for her and feeding the pigeons was the part she enjoyed the most. To enhance the photo, I used one of the chipboard frames in the collection and, after that, I designed the layout. 

I'm a paper lover, so I always tried to incorporate a few different papers in my projects. For this layout, I used the 12" x 12" papers to cut a few strips of paper. To some of them, I did a V notch and a diagonal cut to add interest. As mentioned before, the back side of the papers are perfect for non-travel projects, since the designs are dots, stripes, flowers, and cross/plus signs. The colors in this collection can be used year-round, don't you think?
For the journaling, I used a card from one of the cut apart papers. The space for the date was already printed in the card, I only stamped it. The title was made using a foam sticker from the My Story collection and letter stickers from Here + There collection sticker book.

For the background, I used a floral paper from Here + There, a Cinnamon Color Vibe Textured Cardstock, and a white cardstock. After putting them together, I stitched a white border around the papers for additional texture, a better finishing look, and to secure all the papers together. Then, to embellish the layout, I used the floral die cuts from the collection and created dimension by adding foam tape behind some parts. 

Look at how pretty this chipboard frame is. I love it!

On top of the journaling, I added a few stickers from the sticker book and the 12" x 12" sheet to create a small cluster and fill the space on top of the card.

The final details were the enamel dots and a few heart stickers around the floral clusters. With this, I finished this layout. I love how it looks. It was fun to create this layout, using the products without focusing them on traveling. 

Thank you so much for your visit. I hope you like and enjoy this layout as much as I do, and it inspires you to craft! Come back soon for more inspiration!

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