Believe in Santa Layout

Hello! Hope you are having a wonderful day! It's almost Christmas and I want to share with you this layout I made for my daughter using the amazing Simple Vintage Dear Santa collection by Simple Stories. This photo is from a few years ago, while waiting for our family photo with Santa, I took some photos of her since the area was so beautifully decorated. 

Having beautiful papers always inspires me. This time, I wanted to use this Santa paper as my background to tell the story. When using this type of paper, I try to enhance a little without losing the designs on it. For that I used a precision knife to cut around the doily and tuck some ephemera behind it. Before adding them, I distressed the edge of each piece and used foam tape on the top area for dimension. I added a piece of thread to the tag, a red button on top of the label and a few decorative brads and stars. 

Instead of having a rectangular photo, I decided to cut it in a circular shape to repeat the design in the paper. This way, I balance the layout. I matted the photo using a piece of red plaid paper from the 6" x 8" pad. 

To embellish the photo, I used similar elements in this cluster like the ephemera, tag, stars, decorative brads, and circular shapes. I also distressed the edges of some of them and used foam tape in some areas for dimension. 

In the photo area, I added two layered chipboard pieces in the opposite direction to create movement in the area and emphasis. For the title, I used two words from the foam stickers and added the "in" word from the Sticker Book of the Simple Vintage Essentials collection. 

The last detail to finish the layout, was adding a chipboard cluster piece to the right bottom side. To embellish it a little bit more, I added a few stickers, chipboards, foam, and brads to repeat the same elements around the layout.

Thank you so much for your visit. I hope you like and enjoy this layout as much as I do, and it inspires you to craft! Merry Christmas and don't forget to come back soon for more inspiration!

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